U, de petitionaris

Recognise the Kurdish Genocide in Iraq

69 ondertekeningen

We ask the EU Parliament to politically recognize the Kurdish genocide that took place in Iraq in the period 1960-1989. Not only does this petition aim at bringing acknowledgment and justice to all the victims and survivors of this massacre, but it also aims at preventing futures acts of genocide.



Human Right Activists, politicians, or EU citizens concerned by the necessity to prevent genocide.


constateren dat:

The Kurdish genocide took place over decades, starting in the 1960s with Arabisation programs, deportation and killings. It culminated with the Anfal campaign carried out by Iraqi forces from 1986 to 1989 that led to the murder of around 182.000 civilians. On 16 March 1988, Saddam Hussein unleashed a large scale chemical weapons attack against the Kurdish town of Halabja causing the deaths of at least 5000 civilians.


en verzoeken

In 2009, the United Nations urged for the recognition of the Anfal campaign as genocide to deter future atrocity. Steps to politically recognize the genocide are already underway in Sweden, Norway and the United Kingdom. We believe that The European Union must seize the issue to give acknowledgement to the victims, pave the way to international awareness, and show that the European Union and its citizens stand altogether against atrocity.

Huidige status

Deze petitie staat niet open om ondertekeningen te verzamelen.



Europees Parlement 

